Peabody Energy To Invest $ 70 Million For Development Of Coal Mines In Australia
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mine Trade and Market,
mining companies,
Mining Production
Australian coal mining exploration Coal increasing demand, particularly steel companies in China and India. The two countries are the largest coal importer. Encourage the trend of increasing coal coal mining companies increase their coal production to meet demand for coal. Climatic conditions and growth in Chinese steel industry are factors that affect the increased demand for coal in China.Peabody Energy is one of the largest coal mining company that produces coal for the coal demand from China and India. Anticipating strong demand for coal, coal mining company Peabody Energy to develop coal mines in Australia. Mining companies increase production capacity from the Metropolitan Mine in New South Wales, Australia. Investment for the development of the Metropolitan Mine coal mining reached $ 70 million.
Peabody's coal mining companies targeted delivery metallurgy increased to 12 million, estimated each year could reach 15 million tons to 17 tons likewise until the year 2014.
Peabody Energy To Invest $ 70 Million For Development Of Coal Mines In Australia
Reviewed by NajlA On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 8:42 PM
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Mine Trade and Market,
mining companies,
Mining Production
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