Coal of Africa (CoAL) Completed Acquisition Of NuCoal Mining
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Mine Trade and Market,
mining companies,
Mining Production
African Coal Mining NuCoal acquisition progress report. Coal of Africa has completed the stock purchase agreement, after 10% adjustment to reflect the retention of working capital position. African coal approve the purchase price of R467 million NuCocal mining.Coal director Simon Farrell said, "The acquisition appears NuCoal Coal Cement position as a coal producer South Africa, the company turned into a multi-site manufacturers, both placed to take advantage of current strength, and attractive prospects, the global coal market."
Information obtained from the coal mining company African mining NuCoal acquisition gives hope to a coal mining company in Africa to compete with coal companies to meet global market demand for coal.
Coal of Africa (CoAL) Completed Acquisition Of NuCoal Mining
Reviewed by NajlA On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 8:53 PM
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Mine Trade and Market,
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Mining Production
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