South Africa Oil and Gas Exploration Regulation : Anglo American Applies to Explore for Shale Gas in Karoo
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
horizontal drilling,
Oil and Gas Eurasia,
oil and gas exploration in South Africa - Petroleum Agency SA,
regulate oil and gas exploration,
shale gas
Shale gas is one of a number of "unconventional" sources of natural gas, such as coal bed methane.
Shale, the host shale gas, has long been considered too difficult to drill until the latest horizontal drilling and hydraulic-fracture breakthrough led to what is called "shale gale". In the United States, the process of fracture, or 'fracking' as it is called colloquially, has caused environmental concerns by some politicians worried about the possibility of groundwater contamination.
Diversification of Anglo American mines - and Shell International - have been applied to explore for shale gas in the dry Karoo South Africa, Petroleum Agency SA border manager Jennifer Geological Mining Weekly Online Marot said.
This followed news that Sasol of South Africa has joined with Statoil of Norway and the Chesapeake from the U.S. to do the same thing.
"There has been a rush of interest since the US's shale gas success," Marot said Mining Weekly Online, shows that the Petroleum Agency SA - led by CEO Mthozami Xiphu - not to be confused with state-owned PetroSA.
Petroleum Agency SA, he said, is an organization completely separate, designated by the Mineral Resources and Petroleum Development Act to promote and regulate oil and gas exploration in South Africa.
Marot said that the application is first to investigate the South African company, Bundu Gas & Oil Exploration, which focuses on the gas resources.
The second application from the American shale-gas explorer Falcon Oil and Gas. Shell International Third, the much publicized Sasol / Statoil / Chesapeake fourth partnership and now Anglo Operations had come in fifth.
"The whole southern part of the country now covered with people who are interested in investigating the shale gas," Marot said Mining Weekly Online.
Last month, the Financial Times in London reported that "shale gas rush" has made way to the UK from the United States and the IHS Cambridge Energy Research Associates (Cera) head of energy strategy David Hobbs said that "shale storm" of natural gas has shifted from the source limited resources are abundant one with broad implications for the future of energy in North America.
New technique is said to have more than doubled in North America to find the sources of gas 85 trillion cubic feet.
Oil & Gas Eurasia, adding that "shale storm" has the potential to be a "game changer" as the IHS Cera chairman Daniel Yergin said that "this is the most significant energy innovations so far this century".
South Africa Oil and Gas Exploration Regulation : Anglo American Applies to Explore for Shale Gas in Karoo
Reviewed by NajlA On Wednesday, April 14, 2010, at 8:29 PM
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horizontal drilling,
Oil and Gas Eurasia,
oil and gas exploration in South Africa - Petroleum Agency SA,
regulate oil and gas exploration,
shale gas
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