Canada Stocks Fluctuate as Gold Mining Companies Slips, Energy Producer Rise
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Copper Mining,
Gold Mining,
Gold Mining Companies
Canadian stocks swung between gains and losses as energy producers rose and gold mining companies fell as the precious metal back from the four-week high.
Canadian Natural Resources Ltd., Canada's second largest energy company by market value, advanced 0.8 percent after analyst Brian C. Dutton of Credit Suisse Group AG raised his rating on the stock to "exceed" from "neutral." Barrick Gold Corp., the world's largest gold producer, lost 1.4 percent as bullion falls below $ 1120 per ounce. Copper mining company First Quantum Minerals Ltd. rose 2 percent as producers of metals used in industry rose.
Standard & Poor's / TSX Composite Index slipped 9.17 points, or 0.1 percent, to 11,700.12 at 9:51 am in Toronto for what will be the first loss in nine sessions.
S & P / TSX gain 5.3 percent in the eight days through February 19 as a stronger-than-expected corporate earnings in North America over concerns over rising U.S. dollar impact on commodity prices. Since the time of reporting earnings season began on January 11, 63 percent of the S & P / TSX and 78 percent of the S & P 500 companies that have reported have exceeded analysts' estimates.
Canada Stocks Fluctuate as Gold Mining Companies Slips, Energy Producer Rise
Reviewed by NajlA On Thursday, April 22, 2010, at 8:52 PM
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Copper Mining,
Gold Mining,
Gold Mining Companies
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